Silver Slate
Silver Shine Slate is a dense slate tile that is appropriate for both interior and exterior applications. It has a very distinct silver grey colour with a more or less consistent natural surface except for the occasional rust patch. In the case of silver-shine slate, the natural cleft surface is medium-rough. It is also a member of the exclusive family of slates with metallic textures. Silver Shine slate tiles add a unique touch to your floor or wall and an innovative landscaping feature, adding personalised accents to any home or garden.
Silver-shine slate’s honed or polished surfaces display wonderful textures that are so random that a single tile may display several textures within itself. The mica inclusions within the stone become more visible as solid black flecks and occasionally as spears. The honed silver-shine slate is also less colourful, with predominantly silver and grey shades in varying tones and silver patterning.